SWMS service resumes today. Thank you for your patience. On Jun. 20, six days after losing Christy, I tested positive for COVID-19 and remained positive for nine days. This flattened me physically and also messed with my ability to concentrate, which delayed the return of SWMS services. Let’s see how things go this week. Valet requests in the queue will be addressed in the order they arrived. You’ll see new cheat sheets and analyses as July progresses.
And now a note about SWMS editorial voice. For nearly 20 years, the SWMS site and SWMS emailers occasionally used the first person plural terms “we” and “us.” This was because Christy was involved in myriad aspects of the business. Since this is no longer the case, SWMS will no longer use the terms “we” and “us.” Subscribers will see use of the first person singular only when absolutely necessary for clarity and context.